New yeaaaaaarrrgh!

So, Chinese new years tomorrow, which means that today is the wet dream for any pyromaniac (my kid brother included). There have been fire works and fire crackers all day long, but nothing as insane as the last hour or so. It has turned out that exactly every single Chinese person have a personal and special need to try to create the biggest BOOOM of the year. I am seriously considering if we are being under attack, because I can't understand how all this noise could be made just from fire works! I barely dare to leave the common room and cross the small yard to go to our room, because I fear that I will get a piece of fire work in my head!



Postat av: CdM

Hi, i was reading your blog. I arrive to Wuhan few days ago. I am Chilean Photographer and i will live in Wuhan the next 6 months...
If you can help me,is very good for me. :) i dont know if you can...? soory if i disturb you... My msn is [email protected]

Best regards...

Cesar Duran

Postat av: Alex

Nu har du inte skrivit nått i bloggen på väääldigt länge! Vad händer?
O angående brevet så behöver du inte svara om du nu inte redan har gjort det. Det var nog mest för min skull. Men fortsätt på bloggen!

2007-04-02 @ 12:34:21
Postat av: Ulrika Henriksson

Det beror ju på hur man ser på saken...

2007-04-27 @ 07:03:53

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