Shanghai is not love at second sight. The claustrophobic impression I got from this city in August remains. The buildings are just too tall, too big, too many, there is no escape from it, I'm feeling trapped.
Me and my two friends, Mads and Johan, get more and more tired every day, no matter how much we sleep. Every day is a long, desperate search for coffee, none of us function properly without caffeine. Life is hard and difficult and cold until I have my first cup of coffe for the day in my hand. Then I keep allert for some hours, and either fall asleep early or need another coffee later in the evening.
The three of us is a sad bunch. Mads suffer from constant migraines, Johan suffer from numerous allergies, and me, I just need my coffee. There are a lot of needs to satisfy and a lot of circumstances to avoid. If we don't manage to satisfy all these needs, someone or all of us get tired, cranky, silent, get a head ache, get hungry, get cold, feel sick, feel anxious, feel miserable, wanna go home and hide under a blanket and sleep until the next day. However, none of us want to be the one complaining, so usually we just have to guess when it's time for lunch or coffee or a rest. Sounds more complicated than it is, honestly. And at least we're being sensitive together. Other than that it's nice to move around again, even if it sometimes feels like it's just for the sake of not standing still.
I must admit that I'm hard to impress nowadays. Shanghai, persumably a city of great interest, an endless choice of activities and a sparkling night-life, in my eyes becomes just really big and really glittery, nothing more and nothing less.
It seems like most citys in central and east China are pretty much the same. I did the tour last summer, even though I've now been in cities I've never visited before, I haven't had many surprises. I think that next time I'll just have to go west. Or further north. Or further south. This is a big country after all.
There are certain benefits with travelling during winter. Not so many bloody tourists for one. God how I hate tourists. If it weren't for the obvious problems, I would only travel to places that didn't allow any tourists. Backpackers however, who are a special kind of tourists, can be fun. Travelling with two friends as I do now result in that I don't really feel the backpacker spirit flowing through my veins. I more feel like a combined observer and tour guide. We haven't even met that many backpackers. Maybe it's also because of the winter, people just don't want to travel during winter. I kinda miss the tourists.
Me and my two friends, Mads and Johan, get more and more tired every day, no matter how much we sleep. Every day is a long, desperate search for coffee, none of us function properly without caffeine. Life is hard and difficult and cold until I have my first cup of coffe for the day in my hand. Then I keep allert for some hours, and either fall asleep early or need another coffee later in the evening.
The three of us is a sad bunch. Mads suffer from constant migraines, Johan suffer from numerous allergies, and me, I just need my coffee. There are a lot of needs to satisfy and a lot of circumstances to avoid. If we don't manage to satisfy all these needs, someone or all of us get tired, cranky, silent, get a head ache, get hungry, get cold, feel sick, feel anxious, feel miserable, wanna go home and hide under a blanket and sleep until the next day. However, none of us want to be the one complaining, so usually we just have to guess when it's time for lunch or coffee or a rest. Sounds more complicated than it is, honestly. And at least we're being sensitive together. Other than that it's nice to move around again, even if it sometimes feels like it's just for the sake of not standing still.
I must admit that I'm hard to impress nowadays. Shanghai, persumably a city of great interest, an endless choice of activities and a sparkling night-life, in my eyes becomes just really big and really glittery, nothing more and nothing less.
It seems like most citys in central and east China are pretty much the same. I did the tour last summer, even though I've now been in cities I've never visited before, I haven't had many surprises. I think that next time I'll just have to go west. Or further north. Or further south. This is a big country after all.
There are certain benefits with travelling during winter. Not so many bloody tourists for one. God how I hate tourists. If it weren't for the obvious problems, I would only travel to places that didn't allow any tourists. Backpackers however, who are a special kind of tourists, can be fun. Travelling with two friends as I do now result in that I don't really feel the backpacker spirit flowing through my veins. I more feel like a combined observer and tour guide. We haven't even met that many backpackers. Maybe it's also because of the winter, people just don't want to travel during winter. I kinda miss the tourists.
Postat av: Helle
Hej gumman!
Så trist att SH var trist... Snart kommer mor och bror! Då får du leka guide lite till. Hur är det för dig och skolan i mitten av april, efter påsk, typ den 11 april och ett par veckor framåt? Då skulle det nämligen passa för mig, Thomas och pappa att komma. Du kan väl maila mig.
Har du fått posten jag har skickat? Jag har inte fått ditt kontonummer - du har fortfarande inte fått din julklappspeng :-)
Massor av kramar från syrran!